Individual Bouquets
Each bouquet is unique and created with freshly harvested flowers from the farm. Flowers in a bouquet will be what is currently blooming and not necessarily what is pictured. Bouquet dimensions are dependent on the number of flowers included and their value, not necessarily height and width. Please allow 24+ hours from order time to pick up/delivery.
Each bouquet is unique and created with freshly harvested flowers from the farm. Flowers in a bouquet will be what is currently blooming and not necessarily what is pictured. Bouquet dimensions are dependent on the number of flowers included and their value, not necessarily height and width. Please allow 24+ hours from order time to pick up/delivery.
Each bouquet is unique and created with freshly harvested flowers from the farm. Flowers in a bouquet will be what is currently blooming and not necessarily what is pictured. Bouquet dimensions are dependent on the number of flowers included and their value, not necessarily height and width. Please allow 24+ hours from order time to pick up/delivery.